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Strength of Materials Engineering and Design - A Treatise on the Theory of Stress Calculations for Engineers

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Strength of Materials Engineering and Design

The Purpose of the Theory of Stresses.

When an engineer embarks upon the design of any machine or structure, it is his bounden duty to use every means in his power to ensure that the material realization of his design shall not break or collapse. It is the theory of stress calculation, aided and verified by experiment, which enables the designer to estimate the strength of his machine before it is built. Unfortunately, several obstacles combine to prevent the exact calculation of strength in many cases : first an imperfect knowledge of the forces at work, secondly the failure of mathematical processes to deal with some particular problem, thirdly an incomplete understanding of the physical properties of the materials employed, and, fourthly, the difference between the properties of the materials of the practical world and those assumed as a basis of all our theory. For instance, in the case of an airplane, our knowledge of the distribution of air pressure over the surface of the wings is very limited ; at present mathematical theory does not enable us to calculate exactly the strength of the crankshaft of a motor car. However, in spite of these limitations and difficulties, the engineer of to-day can, if he wish, form a very good idea of the strength of any design he may create, and, in very many instances, calculate it with great accuracy. The fact of being able to do this has a definite social value, apart from considerations of safety, for it saves the unnecessary expenditure of material which occurs when parts of a machine are made stronger than they need be.


I Direct Stresses 1
II Displacement Diagrams and Redundant Frames 34
III Shearing Stresses 54
IV Riveted Joints 63
V Analyses of Stress and Strain. Compound Stresses. 72
VI Failure of Materials under Steady Compound Stresses
VII Thin Cylindrical and Spherical Shells under Internal Pressure 07
VIII The Torsion op Circular Shafts .... 104
IX Bending Moments and Shearing Forces due to Steady Loads 114
X Bending Moments and Shearing Forces due to Traveling Loads . . . . . 142
XI Longitudinal Stresses in Beams. .... 155
XII Bending Stresses and Direct Stresses Combined 186
XIV Shearing Stresses in Beams 200
XV The Deflection op Beams 216
XV Built-in, or Encased, Beams 249
XVI Continuous Beams 257
XVII Rigid Arches . 272
XVIII Struts op Uniform Section 288
XIX Tapered Struts . . . 328
XX Beams under Lateral and Longitudinal Loads Combined 343
XXI Frameworks with Strip Joints . . 356
XXII Bending Combined with Torsion and Thrust 368
XXIII Stability op Bent and Twisted Rods 375
XXIV Springs 386
XXV Stresses in Curved Beams of Large Curvature . 398
XXVI General Analysis of Stress and Strain . . .411
XXVII Some Problems in Two Dimensions .... 423
XXVIII Thick Cylindrical and Spherical Shells . . . 437
XXIX Stresses due to Rotation ...... 465
XXX Torsion of Non-Circular Shafts .... 476
XXXI Stresses in Flat Plates due to Bending . . 489
XXXII The Whirling of Shafts 502
XXXIII Transverse Oscillations of Beams dub to Pulsating and Traveling Loads . . . . . .611
XXXIV Alternating Stresses and Fatigue .... 628
Appendix I:
1. Principal Stresses in Three Dimensions . .543
2. Elastic Curvature ..... .540
3. Deflection of Beams 554
4. Frames with Stiff Joints
5. The Whirling of Shafts of Non-uniform Section 558
6. Flexure of Flat Plates of any Shape , , 563
7. Flexure of Curved Rods, Approximate Theory . 670
8. Stress Concentrations due to Sharp Corners and Holes
Appendix II:
Table of Elastic Constants .
Answers to Examples