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Engineering Drawings for Manufacture

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Engineering Drawings for Manufacture Chapters 1 -5

Engineering Drawings for Manufacture Chapters 6 - Index

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • List of Symbols
  • List of Abbreviations
  • 1 Principles of Engineering Drawing 1
  • 2 Projection Methods 23
  • 3 ISO Drawing Rules 44
  • 4 Dimensions, Symbols and Tolerances 65
  • 5 Limits, Fits and Geometrical Tolerancing 88
  • 6 Surface Finish Specification 111
  • App.: Typical Examination Questions 134
  • Background and Rationale of the Series 158
  • Index 160

This book is a foundational book for manufacturing engineering students studying the topic of engineering drawing. Engineering drawing is important to manufacturing engineers because they are invariably at the receiving end of a drawing. Designers come up with the overall form and layout of an artifactthat will eventually be made. This is the basic object of engineering drawing- to communicate product design and manufacturing information in a reliable and unambiguous manner.

Nowadays, companies operate over several continents. Engineering drawings need to be language-independent so that a designer in one country can specify a product which is then made in another country and probably assembled in yet another. Thus, engineering drawing can be described as a language in its own right because it is transmitting information from the head of the designer to the head of the manufacturer and indeed, the head of the assembler. This is the function of any language. The rules of a language are defined by grammar and spelling. These in turn are defined in grammar books and dictionaries. The language of engineering must be similarly defined by rules that are embodied in the publications of standards organizations.Each country has its own standards organization. For example, in the UK it is the British Standards Institution (BSI), in the USA it is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and in Germany it is the Deutsches Institut ftir Normung (DIN). However, the most important one is the

International Standards Organization (ISO), because it is the world's over-arching standards organizationand any company wishing to operate internationally should be using international standards rather than their own domestic ones. Thus, this book gives information on the basics of engineering drawing from the standpoint of the relevant ISO standards. The emphasis is on producing engineering drawings of products for eventual manufacture.