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Hooghoudt's Drainage Rate Equation and Calculator

Civil Engineering Application & Design Resources
Fluids Flow Design and Engineering

Hooghoudt's Drainage Rate Equation and Calculator

A drainage equation is an equation describing the relation between depth and spacing of parallel subsurface drains, depth of the water table, depth and hydraulic conductivity of the soils. It is used in drainage design. A well known steady-state drainage equation is the Hooghoudt drain spacing equation. Its original publication is in Dutch. The equation was introduced in the USA by van Schilfgaarde. In steady state, the level of the water table remains constant and the discharge rate (Q) equals the rate of groundwater recharge®, i.e. the amount of water entering the groundwater through the watertable per unit of time. By considering a long-term (e.g. seasonal) average depth of the water table (Dw) in combination with the long-term average recharge rate, the net storage of water in that period of time is negligibly small and the steady state condition is satisfied: one obtains a dynamic equilibrium.

Geometry subsurface drainage system

Geometry subsurface drainage system
Hooghoudt Drain Spacing Equation

Eq. 1
Hooghoudt Drain Spacing Equation
Q = ( 8 · Kb · d · (Dd - Dw) + 4 · Ka · (Dd - Dw)2 ) / L2

Eq. 2
Equivalent Depth
d = πL / 8 { ln(L/πr) + F(x) }

Eq. 3
x = 2π (Di − Dd) / L

Eq. 4
F(x) = Σ 4e −2nx / n (1 − e −2nx ), with n = 1, 3, 5,


  • Q = steady state drainage discharge rate (m/day)
  • Ka = hydraulic conductivity of the soil above drain level (m/day)
  • Kb = hydraulic conductivity of the soil below drain level (m/day)
  • Di = depth of the impermeable layer below drain level (m)
  • Dd = depth of the drains (m)
  • Dw = steady state depth of the watertable midway between the drains (m)
  • L = spacing between the drains (m)
  • d = equivalent depth, a function of L, (Di-Dd), and r
  • r = drain radius (m)


  1. S.B.Hooghoudt, 1940 (in Dutch). Algemene beschouwing van het probleem van de detailontwatering en de infiltratie door middel van parallel loopende drains, greppels, slooten en kanalen . No. 7 in de serie: Bijdragen tot de kennis van eenige natuurkundige grootheden van den grond. Bodemkundig Instituut te Groningen. Rijksuitgeverij Dienst van de Nderlandse Staatscourant. 's-Gravenhage, Algemeene Landsdrukkerij.
