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Sleeve Shaft Coupling Design Equations and Calculator

Machine Design and Engineering

Sleeve Shaft Coupling Design Equations and Calculator.

Sleeve Shaft Coupling Design Equations and Calculator

Torque Capacity of Shaft T = π D3 τ / 16

Torque Capacity of Key T = ( D b L τ ) / 2

Power Capacity of Shaft P = π2 N D3 b τ / 8

Torque capacity of sleeve T = π τ ( Do4 - D4 ) / ( 16 Do)
An allowance should be made for keyway)

For equal strength of sleeve and shaft Do = 1.22 D


Symbols used:
D = Shaft diameter (m)
Do= Sleeve outer diameter (m)
T = Torque capacity (N-m)
b = Width of key (m)
L = Length of key (m)
P = Power transmitted (watt or in SI base units kg-m2-s-3)
N = Shaft speed (rpm)
τ = Allowable shear stress (Pa)


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