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Thread: General forum enquiry

  1. #1
    Lead Engineer Cake of Doom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Confused General forum enquiry

    Hi all,

    I've been known to waffle so I'm just going to jump straight in. What I would like to do is post some pictures of past projects I've designed, giving a brief outline of what was required along with any problems posed and how I (or in some cases we) overcame them. I'm hoping that this may generate some interesting discussions and give other Engineers a quick insight into scaffold design as some folks I have talked to (on other fora) didn't even know scaffold needed designing!

    The reason for this thread is so I can ask which would be the appropriate sub forum to post these in? Best to ask rather than get it wrong and give you poor admins loads of additional work mopping up :(

    Also; is this something the community would be interested in?

    Look forward to your views.


  2. #2
    Technical Fellow
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I think anything that educates is a good thing. I know I have never stopped learning and while I have no use for scaffolding -- at the moment, the techniques and knowledge you may have gained may well be applied to other projects. Bring it on. If this is the wrong forum, then moving it is a few simple clicks for the mods, so have at it.

    You will have to make sure the pics are sized within the forum-max-range, but other than that I think it is an excellent idea.

  3. #3
    Lead Engineer Cake of Doom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Brilliant! Photos have already been twitterised so they should be good to go. I'll try to describe (to the best of my project knowledge) what is going on with the actual structure as well; just to give a bit of insight for the folks on how designs run in other countries so if they have yet to gain international experience, they can run their own comparisons if they wish.

    Got some really interesting jobs coming to a close soon too.
    Last edited by Cake of Doom; 04-25-2013 at 01:33 PM. Reason: Added more stuff and things.

  4. #4
    Lead Engineer Cake of Doom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Here is a teaser pic of a job that recently closed. I'm currently doing a little write up for it now so not too long and it should all be good to go.


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