I would start with this calculator...
Beam Deflection and Stress calculators
salve sono un nuovo utente sono italiano faccio l'artigiano metalmeccanico per mie esigenze personali devo realizzare una gru mobile su ruore il telaio in acciaio : altezza sotto gancio 3 metri, larghezza fra le colonne montanti 3 metri larghezza base 1,5 metri, deve avere un paranco a catena scorrevole. consultando le tabelle dei pesi e delle misure ho scelto: per la traversa orizzontale porta paranco una trave IPE da 180mm, per i montanti verticali delle travi a Hea da 120mm o dei profilati scatolati da 100x100x4 mm devo dimensionare le saette le controventature, i fazzoletti di irrigidimeto le piastre di acciaio il diametro dei bulloni e il numero dei fori sulle piastre porteste aiutarmi, come forma per i pilastri cosa uso: a forma di A con 4 gambe o a forma diT capovolta con 2 montanti o a forma di Y capovolta grazie se mi vorrete aiutare saluti enea italia
potreste allegare foto disegni o calcoli di gru analoghe gia fatte grazie per esemiogru a catena.jpgImmagine.jpgparanco.jpgcavallletto.jpgportique du travail.jpgportale officina.jpg
hello I am a new user I am Italian craftsman metalworker for my personal needs I have to realize a mobile crane on ruore the steel frame: lifting height 3 meters, width between the risers 3 meters width 1.5 meters base, it must have a chain hoist sliding. by consulting the tables of weights and measures have chosen: for the horizontal crossbar port hoist a beam IPE 180mm, for the vertical uprights of the beams in Hea 120mm or boxed section from 100x100x4 mm size the arrows I have the braces, handkerchiefs irrigidimeto steel plate to bolt diameters and the number of holes on the plates porteste help me, how to form the pillars of what I use: a form of a with 4 legs to T-shaped or inverted with 2 uprights with inverted Y-shaped or if I want to help greetings eneas Italy
you could attach photos or drawings of the crane similar calculations already made thanks
I would start with this calculator...
Beam Deflection and Stress calculators
Last edited by Kelly_Bramble; 10-22-2022 at 07:17 AM.
I thank you for your cooperation you would not have a crane homemade calculations as I used to copy the tables opposite is I think it's just a IPE 180 for the horizontal crossbar and a hea 120 xi lateral uprights must calculate the plates nimero of the holes diameter bolts controventatute the thunderbolts and reinforcements, and handkerchiefs stiffening could help me thanks for your patience
Last edited by Kelly_Bramble; 04-22-2014 at 06:57 PM.
for the peak load and the joint use that formula for sizing and Gussett stiffening of the tissues? thanks