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Thread: Position tolerance exercises

  1. #1

    Position tolerance exercises


    I'm solving some question about position tolerance from a book and there are two of them which I didn't understand what is wrong with my resolution. Could someone help me with it?

    Picture for question 47 and 48:


    47. For the feature control frame marked A, how much datum feature shift is allowed if the datum feature is produced at 14.8 and has 0.5 perpendicularity error?
    A. 0
    B. 0.4 (official answer)
    C. 0.5
    D. 0.9
    E. 1
    F. 1.2

    My resolution:

    Datum feature shift= MMB - rAME

    MMB= MMC + Geo tol. (respecting datum precedence) = 15.2 - 0 (No geo. tol. is added since datum B (MMC) is primary datum and perpendicularity tolerance applied to B depends on A) = 15.2

    rAME = uAME + perpendicularity error = 14.8 + 0.5 = 15.3

    Datum feature shift= 15.2 - 15.3 = -0.1 (This value tells me that there is a inteference of 0.1 which is the opposite of datum shift porpuse)


    48. For the feature control frame marked A, how much datum feature shift is allowed if the datum feature is produced at 15.2 and has zero perpendicularity error?
    A. 0
    B. 0.4
    C. 0.5 (official awnser)
    D. 0.9
    E. 1
    F. 1.2

    My resolution:

    Datum feature shift= MMB - rAME

    MMB= MMC + Geo tol. (respecting datum precedence) = 15.2 - 0 (No geo. tol. is added since datum B (MMC) is primary datum and perpendicularity tolerance applied to B depends on A) = 15.2

    rAME = uAME + perpendicularity error = 15.2 + 0.5 = 15.2

    Datum feature shift= 15.2 - 15.2 = 0


    In fact, both question seems to add the perpendicularity tolerance to MMB but isn't it breaking the datum precedence?

    PS: I'm studying GD&T by myself trough the standard and some books. So I don't have any teacher guiding me who could solve the exercises.
    Last edited by ivanginato; 06-18-2022 at 08:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Principle Engineer Cragyon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Newark, NJ
    Who's book is this from?

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