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EN Channel UPE, PFC and UPN per. EN 10365

EN Channel UPE, PFC and UPN Sections Dimensions, Engineering Data and Masses per. EN 10365

European Standard for UPE, PFC and UPN Channels

The standard 10365 was prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 103 “Structural steels other than reinforcements”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

Note: Tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass are given in EN 10279.

Channel Parallel Flange UPE and PFC
Channel Parallel Flange UPE and PFC

Channel Taper Flange UPN, U and CH
Channel Taper Flange UPN, U and CH

Notations used (not exclusive)

G - mass
A - area of section
h, b, d, r, tf , tw , hi dimension
r1 - raduis
r2 - radius
AL - painting surface length
AG - painting surface per unit mass
Iy - second area moment of inertia
iy - radius of gyration
Ayz - shear area
Iz - second area moment of inertia
Wel,z - plastic section modulus
Wpl,z - plastic section modulus
iz - radius of gyration
ss - length of stiff bearing
It - second area moment of inertia
Iw - warping constant
ys - distance to centre of gravity
ym - distance to shear centre


European Standard EN 10365
