Related Resources: HeatConductionPipeInsulation

heat loss from a pipe calculator

Heat Transfer Engineering

Equations and calculator to determine the conductive heat loss from a cylinder or pipe of known length.

The temperature gradient within a homogeneous material results in an energy transfer rate within the medium which can be calculated with the following equation

Heat Loss equation eq. a

Insulated Pipe

The illustration above depicts a single-layer cylindrical wall of a homogeneous material with constant thermal conductivity and uniform inner and outer surface temperatures. At a given radius the area normal to radial heat flow by conduction is 2 Π r L, where L is the cylinder length. Substituting this into (eq. a) and integrating with q constant gives:

Delta tempaeratureeq. 0


eq. 1


Heat loass equation eq 2

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k = thermal conductivity (Btu / h · in· °F)
L = length of cylinder and insulation layer (in)
r = radius
q = conduction (Btu / h · °F)
