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Thread: Blaine Fineness to Particle Size Diameter

  1. #1

    Blaine Fineness to Particle Size Diameter

    Given a Blaine Number in m2/kg and the Density of the particle in kg/m3
    Would you agree that the particle size diameter could be found using:
    PSD = 2 * (Blaine Number)-1 * (Density)-1 ?

    for example BN = 488 m2/kg , D = 2300 kg/m3 then Dp = 1.78 um ?

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    Well the Blaine method uses a small glass kerosine manometer to apply suction to the powder bed. It differs from other methods in that, because of uncertainty of the dimensions of the manometer tube, absolute results can't be calculated (Carman equation).

    Instead, the apparatus must be calibrated, using a known standard material. The original standards, supplied by NBS, were certified using the Lea and Nurse method. Despite this shortcoming, the Blaine method is now by far the most commonly used, mainly because of the ease of maintenance of the apparatus and simplicity of the procedure.

    Reference Wikipedia

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