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Thread: hydraulics for sawmill

  1. #1

    Confused hydraulics for sawmill

    I am trying to hydraulically power my 40" circular sawmill. I have no idea of what kind of motor to look for. I have a three cylinder deutz diesel running a pump, that was used to run a hydraulic concrete saw. the diesel engine is rated @ 43 hp.@2000 rpm. what other info from the pump do i need to find a motor?
    Last edited by hyd4hobby; 01-21-2012 at 01:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    I would search the internet for a "Hydraulic Rotary Actuator".. I can't think of any other names...

  3. #3
    Technical Fellow
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hyd4hobby View Post
    I am trying to hydraulically power my 40" circular sawmill.
    Well, you need to find out what the tooth load will be on the saw blade at 20" radius at various desired RPMs. From there you will be able to calculate the torque required to turn the blade. That will indicate the HP rating of the motor you need. Providing those figures fall into the available power from the diesel engine, then go to and see what they have and what speeds are available.

    Having said all of that, I doubt hydraulics is the best application for a saw blade. Hydraulic driven stuff tends to remain constant until the over-pressure valve kicks open. At that point the blade will be firmly engaged with the chunk of wood. With an electric motor or direct drive from the diesel, the blade will slow and give good warning that things are not going well.

    Not saying don't use a hydralic motor, just beware of the compromises that will be required no matter what the motive force is.

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