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Thread: Student in Mechanical Engineering looking for advice on my GPA and future

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2020

    Student in Mechanical Engineering looking for advice on my GPA and future

    Thanks for taking the time to read (and hopefully give advice!)

    I am a sophomore at Oregon State University for a BS in ME. I recently got denied entrance to the local internship program because my GPA didn't make the cutoff of 3.4, I'm currently at a 3.03 GPA. I feel pretty low about not making the cut. An engineering professor said "not to let it ruin your day if you didn't get accepted" in a general video sent out to all students.

    I absolutely love the field I'm studying, especially after taking statics, dynamics, and strengths and materials. But my fear is that my GPA might go lower because everyone says junior year is the most difficult. My ultimate fear is not being able to land a job after graduation because I won't have internship experience (at least through the school) and my GPA might go below 3.0. I don't know many professional engineers to ask these questions, and I don't really want to ask personal questions like "what was your GPA and how was the job search"

    Can someone give some advice on if I should be super worried? My people skills are great and I have lots of solid work experience, just not in engineering.

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow jboggs's Avatar
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    Myrtle Beach, SC
    From 40+ years down the road in front of you: Grades and internships will open the first doors for you - but that's all. After that, it is only your experience and competence that will open the doors. From the sounds of your message above I would say you have exactly the skills it will take to succeed: persistence, people skills, a joy in the work, and a willingness to learn and ask questions. As an experienced engineer who has headed up many projects, I would be glad to have you along my side and teach you the rules of the road. Hang in there. You have a bright future in front of you

  3. #3
    Principle Engineer
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    May 2015
    Do not worry at all. You will face disappointments in life magnitudes greater and still be a winner. Lots of ways to become a better job candidate:

    Walk into a local machine shop with safety glasses and ask if they will let you work and learn without pay over the summer. If you pick up the skills of using a micrometer, caliper and dial indicators and make some chips you will be well served. If you pick up any CNC programming, you just became employable.

    Learn a CAD program or help a local surveyor.

    Enroll in summer classes and pull ahead of the others in credit hours.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2020
    Thanks for the encouragement jboggs! I bet you have some interesting engineering stories!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2020
    Solid advice Hudson. I need to level up on CAD because a CNC seems like the ultimate toy!

  6. #6
    Technical Fellow jboggs's Avatar
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    Myrtle Beach, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by vandenbroeke3c*ris View Post
    Thanks for the encouragement jboggs! I bet you *ave some interesting engineering stories!
    Yes I do. You don't have the time. "Been there, done that".
    hang around this forum for some interesting reading. Kelly does a great job of running it.

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