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Engineering and Design applications related to heat transfer.

Unsteady 2D conduction heat transfer Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Unsteady 2D conduction heat transfer including heat generation, convection or temperature boundary conditions Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Radiative Fluxes Spectrally Reflecting Grey Surfaces Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Radiative Fluxes Spectrally Reflecting Grey Surfaces Excel Spreadsheet Calculator - This spread sheet computes the temperatures and radiative fluxes from a set of four (or fewer) diffusely emitting and diffusely/spectrally reflecting surfaces. The boundary conditions on the surfaces can be a specified temperature, specified heat flux, insulated, or with a convection boundary condition.
Water and Carbon Dioxide absorption coefficients Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
H2O, CO2 emissivities, absorptivities, Planck mean absorption coefficients and net emission Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Constant-Pressure Oxidation Propane in Air Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Constant-Pressure Oxidation of Propane in Air Excel Spreadsheet Calculator. his spreadsheet models the constant-pressure oxidation of propane in air according to the 4-step mechanism of Hautmann et al., Combustion Science and Technology
Heat Loss or Gain From Pipe Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Heat Loss or Gain From Pipe Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Unsteady 2D Conduction Heat Transfer Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Heat Transfer - Unsteady 2D conduction heat transfer including heat generation, convection or temperature boundary conditions.
Planks Law Spreadsheet
This workbook computes and displays the spectral blackbody emissive power for a number of source temperatures.
Periodic Conduction in a Semi-Infinite Body Calculator
Periodic Conduction in a Semi-Infinite Body Excel Calculator. Animates the analytical solution for transient conduction in a semi-infinite body subject to a periodically varying temperature at the exposed face.

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