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Visual Math Formula Creator and Editor
This WYSIWYM editor (What You See Is What You Mean) favors the semantics while providing comfort worthy of a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) "intuitive" interface: the user sees directly on the screen will look like the final result.
Explicit Second Order Calculus Differential Equation Simulator Tool
The simulation calculates solutions of ordinary explicit second order differential equations.
Calculus Applications and Basics
The right way to begin a calculus book is with calculus. This chapter will jump directly into the two problems that the subject was invented to solve. You will see what the questions are, and you will see an important part of the answer.
Calculus for Engineers
The calculus course is a critical course for science, technology, engineering, and math majors. This course sets the stage for many majors and is where students see the beauty of mathematics, encouraging them to take upper-level math courses.
Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
The purpose of this handbook is to supply a collection of mathematical formulas and tables which will prove to be valuable to students and research workers in the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering and other sciences.
History of Mathematics
Numerous histories of mathematics have appeared during this century, many of them in the English language. Some are very recent, such as J. F. Scott's A History ofMathematics; a new entry in the field therefore should have characteristics not already present in the available books. Actually, few of the histories at hand are textbooks, at least not in the American sense of the word, and Scott's History is not one of them. It appeared, therefore, that there was room for a new book—one that would meet more satisfactorily my own preferences and possibly those of others.
Octal to Binary Conversion Calculator
Octal to Binary Conversion Calculator
Binary to Octal Conversion Calculator
Binary to Octal Conversion Calculator and Table
Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion Calculator
Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion Calculator and Chart
BesselK Function Equation
Calculates the modified Bessel function, which is equivalent to the Bessel functions evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.
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