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Heat Transfer
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Heat Transfer Practical Approach
In engineering practice, an understanding of the mechanisms of heat transfer is becoming increasingly important since heat transfer plays a crucial role in the design of vehicles, power plants, refrigerators, electronic devices, buildings and bridges, among other things.
Advances in Heat Transfer
The serial publication “Advances in Heat Transfer” is designed to fill the information gap between the regularly scheduled journals and university level textbooks. The general purpose of this series is to present review articles or monographs on special topics of current interest
Heat Transfer and Evaporation Book
W.L. Badger, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Consulting Engineer, Swenson Evaporator Company, General Theory of Heat Transmission - Conduction, General Theory of Heat Transmission - Radiation, Heat Transfer by Convection - General, Heat Transfer Between Solids and Gases,
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Pages: 1 [2]

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