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Fluids Flow
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Pitot Tube Theory and Application
This instrument is very important in aviation to calculate the speed of airplanes with respect to the air
Ductile Iron Pipe Sizes and Dimensions
Dimensions of Ductile Iron Pipe Special Pressure Classes (customary U.S. units). Iron Pipe per. ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 and ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51
Osmotic Pressure Equation
Osmosis is a special case of diffusion in which molecules of the solvent move under pressure from one fluid to another (i.e., from the solvent to the solution) in one direction only...
Viscosity Grade Table ISO 3448
The ISO viscosity grade (VG) as specified in ISO 3448, is commonly used to classify oils. (See Table 1)
Gravity Sewer Pipe Dimensions and Sizes
ASTM F679 – Gravity Sewer Pipe (solid wall) Table Dimensions and Sizes
Lift From Rotating Cylinder Formula
When a cylinder is placed transversely to a relative airflow of velocity v∞, the velocity at a point on the surface of the cylinder is 2v∞ sin θ
Einstein Equation Effective Viscosity
Einstein derived an explicit first-order expansion for the effective viscosity of a Stokes fluid with a suspension of small rigid particles at low density.
Gas Material Balance Equation
The gas material balance data is based on actual production data and is typically presented as a P/z plot.
API Gravity Gravity Equations and Calculator
API Gravity is the quantity of heavy or light a petroleum fluid is relative to water.
Elastic Compression Bandage LaPlace's Law
LaPlace's law states that within a tubular structure the change in pressure required to cause distension is proportional to the surface wall tension and inversely proportional to its radius. In other words, a structure with a larger radius and low surface tension requires minimal change in pressure to cause further dilatation however one with a smaller radius and high surface tension requires a significant amount of pressure.
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