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Single Dissimilar Materials Lap Joint Equations and Calculator

Fastener, Bolt and Screw Design Torque and Force Calculations

Single Lap Joint with Dissimilar Materials Loads Calculator and Equations

If the joint is a single lap joint as shown below and are subjected to temperature changes, the equation for the loads in the materials as as follows:

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Eq. 1
P = α 1 L 1 ( T 1 T 0 ) α 2 L 2 ( T 2 T 0 ) + g 1 + g 2 L 1 / A 1 E 1 + L 2 / A 2 E 2

Single Lap Joint
Figure 1, Single Lap Joint


A1 = Section area of plate 1
A2 = Section area of plate 2
L = length
g1 = gap plate 1
g2 = gap plate 2
E = modulus of elasticity
T0 = Initial temperature
T2 = final temperature plate 1
T = final temperature plate 2
α1 = Coefficient of thermal expansion plate 1
α2 = Coefficient of thermal expansion plate 2
P = load

  • Bell Helicopter Structural Design Manual, 1977
