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Engineering Research News!
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Tension wood study broadens biofuels research
Taking a cue from Mother Nature, researchers at the Department of Energy’s BioEnergy Science Center have undertaken a first-of-its-kind study of a naturally occurring phenomenon in trees to spur the development of more efficient bioenergy crops.
Artificial Skin is Transparent Thin and Flexible Sensor
Imagine having skin so supple you could stretch it out to more than twice its normal length in any direction -- repeatedly -- yet it would always snap back completely wrinkle-free when you let go of it. You would certainly never need Botox.
Efficient ethanol conversion of corn
Not all parts of a corn stalk are equal, and they shouldn't be treated that way when creating cellulosic ethanol, say Purdue University researchers.
Magnetic Nanoswitch for Thermoelectric Voltages
Due to a recently discovered effect in magnetic tunnel structures, thermoelectric voltages in nano-electronic junctions can be controlled.
Next generation of microchips from Graphene
Scientists at the University of Manchester have come one step closer to creating the next generation of computer chips using wonder material graphene.
Innovative optical signal processing for power-hungry, high-speed networks
A new all-optical signal processing device to meet the demands of high capacity optical networks and with a wide range of applications including ultrafast optical measurements and sensing has been developed by researchers at the University of Southampton.
Viewing fusion with worlds fastest light deflector
FUSION, the world’s great promise for a source of clean and virtually limitless energy, could replicate the very process that powers the stars to meet our most pressing needs on Earth. Lawrence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) is conducting experiments aimed at achieving fusion ignition and energy gain, the process whereby more energy is released than is required to initiate the fusion reaction.
Acoustic Cloak Research
Researchers have taken another step towards achieving what is known as "acoustic undetectability.
Automating Cell Cultures
Cell cultures form the basis of day-to-day research work in applications that range from the development of drugs and vaccines to the decoding of functions of individual genes. Up until now, cell cultures have been sown, tended, observed and transferred to vessels – all by hand. A new device automates these worksteps completely.
A smarter, better managed factory
The time it takes for new products to come to market is getting ever shorter. As a consequence, goods are being produced using manufacturing facilities and IT systems that were designed with completely different models in mind. Fraunhofer developers want to make factories smarter so they can react to changes of their own accord.

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